Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Scheduling and Inventory Management
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Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Scheduling and Inventory Management
His research areas are in logistics and supply chain management, scheduling and inventory management. He has published more than 160 papers in refereed journals. According to an article in Int. J. Prod.Eco.(2009), which looked at all papers published in the 20 core journals during last 50 years in the field of production and operations management, he was ranked No. 6 among all researchers worldwide in h-index.
He received a BS degree in Electronic Engineering (1972) and a MS degree in Management Sciences (1976) both from National Chiao-Tung University in Taiwan. He also received a MS degree in Industrial Engineering from Northwestern University (1980) and PhD degree in Operations Research from Yale University (1984).
- Distinguished Research Excellence Award: School of Engineering, HKUST, 2013.
- Principal Investigator and Project Coordinator: Theme-Based Research, First Round, (The only one in business area), "Promoting Hong Kong's Ocean Container Transport Logistics Network,"
- Conduct a keynote speech entitled “Ocean Container Transport: Making Supply Chain Management Effective” at INFORMS Annual Conference, Austin, TX, Nov. 2010.
- According to an article in Int. J. of Prod. Econ.(v. 120, 2009, p.540-551), which looked at all papers published in the 20 core journals during last 50 years in the field of production and operations management, Prof. Lee was ranked No.6 among all researchers worldwide in h-index and No.9 in total number of publications.
- Fellow, Institute of Industrial Engineers (2005)
- Fellow, Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (2004).
- Fellow, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (2002)
- The Best Paper award: IIE Transactions on Operations Engineering 2004.
- Excellent Service Award: Production and Operations Management Society, as Board Member and Regional VP of Australasia, May 2010.
- Logistics and Freight Transportation Operations
- Integrated Production System
- Engineers in Society
- Game Theory and Its Applications in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Advanced Production and Inventory Control
- Advanced Logistics Management
- Advanced Topics in Scheduling Theory
- Complexity Theory and Its Applications
Principal Investigator and Project Coordinator: R GC Theme-Based Research, First Round, "Transforming Hong Kong's Ocean Container Transport Logistics Network," 11/2011 - 10/2016, HK$ 15,302,000 (including HKUST Matching Fund HK$2,010,000)
Co-Investigator: (PI.Shuaian Wang), Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, “Managing Shipping Emission Control Areas (ECAs): Minimizing Local Sulfur Oxide and Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions,” 1//1/2018 – 31/12/2020, Funding: HK$546,556.
Co-Investigator: (PI.Shuaian Wang), Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, “Shore Power Deployment Plan: Making at-Berth Emission Reduction Effective,” 1/1/2019–31/12/2021, Funding: HK$536,799.
Co-Investigator: (PI.Shuaian Wang), Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, “Optimal Deployment of LNG Bunkering Infrastructure for Emission Reduction in Maritime Transportation,” 1/1/2020–31/12/2022, Funding: HK$397,500.
- Q. Meng, S. Wang, and C.-Y. Lee (2015), A Tailored Branch-and-Price Approach for Tramp Ship Routing and Bunkering, Transportation Research Part B. 72, pp. 1-19.
- C.-Y. Lee, X. Li, and M. Yu (2015), Loss-Averse Newsvendor with Supplying Options, Naval Research Logistics, 62, pp. 48-59.
- C.-Y. Lee, H. Lee, and J. Zhang (2015), The Impact of Slow Steaming of Ocean Container Transport on Global Supply Chains, Transportation Research Part E, 76, pp. 176-190.
- C.-Y. Lee and T. Lu (2015), Inventory Competition with Yield Reliability Improvement, Naval Research Logistics, 62, pp. 46-59.
- M. Yu, K. H. Kim, and C.-Y. Lee (2015), Inbound Container Storage Price Schemes for Ocean Carriers, IIE Transactions, 47, pp. 800-818.
- C.-Y. Lee, C. Tang, R. Yin, and J. An (2015), Fractional Price Matching Policies Arising from the Ocean Freight, Production and Operations Management, 24, pp. 1118-1134.
- J. Dong, C.-Y., Lee, and D.-P. Song (2015), Joint Service Capacity Planning and Dynamic Container Routing in Shipping Network with Uncertain Demands, Transportation Research Part B , 78, pp.404 – 421.
- Y. Tao and C.-Y. Lee (2015), Integrated Planning of Berth and Yard Allocation in Transshipment Terminals Using Multi-cluster Stacking Strategy, Transportation Research Part E, 83, pp. 34-50.
- C.-Y. Lee, M. Liu, and C. Chu (2015), Optimal Algorithm for General Quay Crane Double-Cycling Problem, Transportation Science, 49, pp. 957-967.
- C. Li, X. Qi, and C.-Y. Lee (2015), How to Catch Up a Delayed Journey: Disruption Recovery for a Vessel in Liner Shipping, Transportation Science, 49, pp. 900-921.
- H. Zhang, C.-Y. Lee and T. Li (2016), The Value of Sharing Specific Cargo Information between a Carrier and a Terminal Operator, Transportation Research Part E, 85, pp. 23-39
- R. Chen, J. Dong and C.-Y. Lee (2016), Pricing and competition in a shipping market with waste shipments and empty container repositioning, Transportation Research Part B, 85, pp. 32-55.
- M. H. Akyuz, and C.-Y. Lee (2016), Service type assignment and container routing with transit time constraints and empty container repositioning for liner shipping service networks, Transportation Research Part B, 88, pp 46-71.
- Z. Z. Zhang and C.-Y. Lee (2016), Multiobjective Approaches for the Ship Stowage Planning Problem Considering Ship Stability and Container Rehandles, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 46, pp. 1374-1389.
- S. Wang, Q. Meng and C.-Y. Lee (2016), Liner Container Assignment Model with Transit-Time-Sensitive Container Shipment Demand and Its Applications, Transportation Research Part B, 90, pp. 135-155.
- Q. Kong, C.-Y. Lee, C.P. Teo, and Z. Zheng (2016), Appointment sequencing: Moving beyond the smallest-variance-first rule, European Journal of Operational Research, 255, pp. 809-821.
- M. Liu, C.-Y. Lee, and C. Chu (2016), An exact algorithm for container terminal integrated planning problem, Transportation Research Part B, 93, pp. 721-749.
- C.-Y. Lee and D.-P. Song (2017), Research Opportunities of Ocean Container Transport in Global Supply Chain, Transportation Research Part B, 95, pp 442-474.
- R. Yang, X. Gao and C.-Y. Lee (2017), Floating Price Contracting Arising from the Ocean Freight Industry, IIE Transactions, 94, pp 194-208.
- M. Yu, C.-Y. Lee, and J. Wang (2017), The Regional Port Competition with Different Terminal Competition Intensity, Flexible Services and Manufacturing, 27, pp. 659-688.
- T. Lu, J. Fransoo, and C.-Y. Lee (2017), Carrier Portfolio Management for Shipping Seasonal Products, Operations Research, 65, pp. 1250-1256.
- S. H. Cheon, C.-Y. Lee and Y. Wang (2017), Processing Time Ambiguity and Port Competitiveness, Production and Operations Management, 26, pp. 2187-2206.
- Z. Xu, and C.-Y. Lee (2018), New Lower Bound and Exact Algorithm for the Continuous Berth Allocation Problem, Operations Research, 66 (3), pp. 778-798.
- M. Grida, and C.-Y. Lee (2018), An Empirical Model for Estimating Berth and Sailing Times of Mega Container Ships, Maritime Policy and Management.
- Z. Z. Zhang, M. Liu, C.-Y. Lee and J. Wang (2018), The Quay Crane Scheduling Problem with Stability Constraints, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 15 (3), pp. 1399-1412.
- M. Yu, C. Fransoo, and C.-Y. Lee (2018), The Detention Decisions for Empty Containers in the Hinterland Transportation System, Transportation Research Part B, 110, pp. 188-208.
- R. N. Yang, C.-Y. Lee, Q. Liu, and S. Zheng (2019), A carrier–shipper contract under asymmetric information in the ocean transport industry, Annals of Operations Research, 273, pp. 377-408.
- X. Qu, and C.-Y. Lee, (2019) “Quantity Discount Pricing for Rail Transport in a Dry Port System,” Transportation Research Part E., 122, pp. 563-580.
- R. Yang, Y. Mai, C.-Y. Lee and C.-P. Teo (2020), Tractable Compensation Plan under Asymmetric Information,” Production and Operations Management, 29, (2020), pp. 1212-1218.
- T. Lu, Y.-J. Chen, J.C. Fransoo, and C.-Y. Lee (2020). Shipping to Heterogeneous Customers with Competing Carriers,” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 22, (2020), pp.850-867.
- T. Lu, C.-Y. Lee, L.-H. Lee (2020), Coordinating Pricing and Empty Container Repositioning: An Analysis of Two-Depot Shipping Systems, Transportation Science, 54, (2020), pp. 1697-1713.
- S. Wang, D. Zhuge, L. Zen, C.-Y. Lee (2020), Liner Shipping Service Planning under Sulfur Emission Regulations, accepted by Transportation Science.
- C.-Y. Lee, S. Shu, and Z. Xu (2020), Optimal Global Liner Service Procurement by Utilizing Liner Service Schedules, accepted by Production and Operations Management.
- P. Yan, C.-Y. Lee, C. Chu, C. Chen, Z. Luo (2020), Matching and Cost Allocation in Ride-Sharing: Optimality, Stability, and Financial Sustainability, accepted by Omega.
- R. Yang, R., M. Yu, C.-Y. Lee and Y. Du (2020), Contracting in Ocean Transportation with Empty Container Repositioning under Asymmetric Information, accepted by Transportation Research Part E.